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Jan 27: Another Colorado ride to try: The Delta Grand Mesa Loop!


We have several awesome rides available in Colorado and here is one we will be riding this summer:

While most of our rides are loops, this one is a little different, it is an out and back ride with a small loop at one end.

The Delta Grand Mesa Loop is a paved ride located in Western Colorado.  It starts in Delta, Colorado and travels northeast through towns and farmlands until it eventually starts climbing up the mountains.  The climb and the curves are gentle and flowing as the road gradually gains altitude.

Near the summit is the Grand Mesa Visitor Center where riders can stretch their legs and take in the views.  Past the visitors center, the road continues climbing and eventually reaches the top of a mesa where there are some hiking trailheads.  After crossing the mesa, the road starts the descent down the other side.  The views are amazing, but keep one eye on the road because there are several switchbacks and hairpins to negotiate before reaching the valley floor and the town of Mesa.

Click Here to learn more about the Delta Grand Mesa Loop!


Safe Travels:

Dale and Renee!



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